Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ebb and Flow

To be perfectly honest, I'm more of a mountain person than a beach person. I've never been a "hot weather, lay in the sun and bake myself" kind of girl. I'm much more of a "scenery seeking, chillin' in the cabin hot tub, mini golf kind of girl. But still, there's something that's always calls to me, and draws me to desperately want a beach vacation every so often. There's something that is just mesmerizing in the sound of the ocean, the smell of the salty air, and the call of the gulls. I can sit in the evenings with the ocean waves lapping at my toes and get lost in the ebb and flow of the tide.

Life is like that. A series of movements, like the ebb and flow of the tide. Sometimes you go though the stormy patches, and sometimes you hit the calm, but ever present is the simplicity of the constant ebb and flow of all that surrounds us.

Most of you followed the birth and growth of our blog through the adoption of our daughter, Annabella. You prayed for us, cried with us, felt the frustration, anxiety, excitement, and joy of it all through the words I typed from the depths of my soul as we journeyed though the process and finally reached the ultimate goal, bringing our daughter home.  Much has happened since we came home.

Annabella had struggles with diet, and ear tubes. We had major palate repair surgery, and speech. We came through the dietary struggles, and now have a very adventurous eater, and have completely put the surgery and recovery far behind us. We do still have frequent ear infections, but that is common with kids who were born with cleft lip and palate, and we look for this trend to continue until Annabella matures more, hopefully growing out of it around the age of 10. She is also beginning to make many new sounds now, and as these sounds increase, we are beginning to add a few new words to her vocabulary as well.

We've been blessed to be able to keep up with many of the families who traveled with us last summer, and it seems as if all of our precious children have absolutely blossomed into their own individual personalities, and have bonded and completely integrated themselves into their new homes and families. Our dear friends, Niki and Phil Smith have evn been called to adopt again, and are due to travel back to adopt their daughter, Guan Ya in a matter of days!

I have many times missed being able to share with you on our blog, but with my last post, I found that I could no longer post here without paying high monthly fees. Finally finding a bit of time to devote to finding a way around this roadblock, I am hopeful that we will now be able to resume posting here. Thanks for loving us enough to keep reading as we continue to walk by faith, and follow the path laid before us by our great Creator! Be sure to keep reading...we have lots to share in the coming days!

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